domingo, 28 de octubre de 2012


Kyosho 30204 Porsche 917 1970 LeMans winner, 1/43 scale


We recently tested a Kyosho 30204 Porsche 917, the model of the 1970 LeMans winner, on our Scalextric Sport track.   We found it to be a very well-made car, as you would expect from a 1/43 scale car that sells for $50.  It's a whole level or two above the quality and performance of the Carrera and SCX 1/43 scale cars we sell.   On our track, right out of the box it was quiet, smooth, and faster than any other 1/43 scale car we have ever driven.  Like other 1/43 scale cars it is well stuck down by its traction magnet.  This will not please the non-mag crowd, but for the other 98% of users it makes the car easy yet fun to drive with high limits, yet not so totally stuck down at to prevent a certain degree of tail-out cornering.  The Kyosho cars will be very confidence-building for beginners and children, making them excellent Christmas present material.  The chassis looks like it will make an excellent platform for resin bodies and other conversions.  The bodies are also available for those who want a very nice body to put onto a 1/43 scale scratchbuilt chassis.

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