Dear friend,
this email to show our 2 new Maserati versions, the # 3 orange of Mauri
Rose- Indy 1941 and #25 dark blue of Russell Snowberger - Indy 1946.
We took advantage of the opportunity of these new models to renovate
some details of our Maseratis, so a new chassis in SLS replaced the old
one in photo etched, and many details in resin have been redone,
included the driver, much more accurate now.
In the next weeks also the previous Maserati versions ( #49 R. LeBegue -
# 52 G. Villoresi ) will be available again with all these updates.
Alleged 2 photos of the models, more info and details on www.
ostorero. com
Many thanks and best regards
Daniele and Gianluca Ostorero